Custom synth enclosure – Part 1

With the main modular audio chain assembled, and (almost) playable from a 37-key piano keybed, I recently turned my attention to designing an enclosure to hold all the components of the synth together.

3D rendering of a keyboard synth with 37-key keybed, three wheel controls, and a row of Eurorack modules across the top, in a wooden keyboard cabinet
The vision

What’s in a synth?

The playable components of the synth include a collection of 3U Eurorack modules, seated on a pair of 126HP rack rails, a 37-key Fatar piano keybed, and a set of wheel controls for pitch bend and modulation of the LFO or other signals. These needed to be pulled together into a single unified instrument rather than just spread out loosely on my workbench. (Not least because the keybed is not especially playable without being bolted down; pressing the keys while it’s freestanding causes the entire assembly to tip forward.)

A collection of Eurorack modules, PCBs, components with front panels, and a prominent 37-key piano keyboard spread out on a workbench and wired together.
All of the “main parts” are ready, but this is a difficult way to make music.

In addition to these main control systems, there was the power PCB I had also developed to hide in the case, as well as a “motherboard” PCB hosting an Arduino that was responsible for scanning the keybed and sending pitch CV info to the oscillators via a DAC, as well as handling MIDI I/O as well as other keyboard signals like velocity, aftertouch, etc.

I don’t have a fixed idea of where to route the velocity and aftertouch signals in the overall sound chain. While a lot of signals are pre-wired in semimodular fashion, I don’t plan to hardwire these into the VCA, for example. Instead, I developed the idea of a “dashboard”: a 1U full-row panel seated below the main modules which would have several jacks emitting pitch CV, aftertouch, velocity, and a few other signals managed by the motherboard which can be patched at will when playing the instrument. The dashboard would also have some utility buttons and switches for controlling the integrated synth instrument, managed by the motherboard.

A long, skinny control panel bar with a row of labeled TS jacks, toggle switches, and buttons.
The assembled dashboard

The dashboard itself is fabricated as two PCBs: one is “actually” a PCB, hosting the switches, pots and jacks, as well as some op amps needed for buffering and a few status LEDs. It connects to the motherboard via two 20-pin ribbon cables, one on each end. The instrument enclosure is built around the 126 HP rails (640mm, about 25″ wide) holding the modules, and the dashboard spans that entire width. The main PCB itself is 1″ high and just shy of the 25″ length. The front panel for the dashboard is slightly larger, and also fabricated out of FR4, with a layer of black solder mask providing the color to match the black module front panels, and white silkscreen labels for all the jacks and buttons. Most output signals are buffered and available through two jacks, so they can be wired to multiple CV inputs at once.

I had the dashboard fabricated by JLCPCB. They ended up charging me a $30 surcharge that I wasn’t entirely expecting to make PCBs > 600 mm wide, but even with that, it was still much cheaper than having this made out of aluminum and silkscreened elsewhere. (And alas, they can’t make aluminum PCBs in this width.) They also warned me that the extreme aspect ratio of > 10:1 length to width meant it was at risk of warping. I had planned ahead and designed several mounting holes along the dashboard to hold it down, so I acknowledged this risk before they built it. And indeed, the PCBs were not especially rigid at this length. If I were to redo these parts, I would probably opt for thicker 2mm FR4 rather than the standard 1.6mm thickness. That said: this will work.

Designing an enclosure

I worked up the cabinet design in Fusion 360. My CAD skills aren’t especially great, but I definitely learned a lot and improved over the course of this project. My plan was to use sheet metal for some of the structural components, especially the base, which would be the mounting platform for a number of closely-packed components. The top and sides of the case would be made of wood and a pair of narrow wooden rails would complete the rigid wooden frame. The metal structural panels, module rails, and dashboard would be fastened to the wooden structure across the front. The keyboard and wheel controls would be mounted on the metal base and would sit in the front of the cabinet.

3D render of the synth case in the CAD design tool, looking at it from the front but offset slightly to the left
The synth enclosure design in Fusion 360. The main modules and controls fit tightly in the front of the cabinet

Mounting all of these elements (including the PCBs) on the base would require some fairly precise positioning. Fortunately, laser cut sheet metal offers the precision necessary for a tight fit. I planned to take advantage of SendCutSend’s ability to precisely laser cut and bend sheet metal for the base. Given the close quarters, I also intended to take advantage of their ability to install press fit nuts, studs, and standoffs to facilitate blind assembly of some closely packed components.

Back and rear exterior view of the enclosure. Many mounting holes are drilled in the base, as well as slots for air intake. The rear panel has panel cutouts for subpanel mounting as well as a large air exchange grille.
Back and rear exterior view of the enclosure

I also knew I would likely need to periodically rework interior elements of the synth, so I wanted the rear panel to be easy to remove. But how would I fasten it in place? I ended up opting for a row of five mounting screws along the bottom of the rear panel. To prevent the panel from “tipping forwards” into the case, I designed a bent sheet metal “backstop” to embed in the top of the case, with some press-fit studs providing some precise alignment:

Section view of the assembled synth and enclosure, with modules and circuit boards visible inside.

Section view of the case design

The rear panel would have the top and sides folded in for a finished external edge, and the studs mounted in the “backstop” along the top of the case would slot into some registration holes in the top edge of the panel. The studs wouldn’t be fixed to the rear panel with fasteners to help take the load, but between the screws at the bottom and a pair of metal “feet” I added to the rear panel to sit on the wooden rail, I hoped that was enough to make it sturdy. As it turns out, I didn’t fully appreciate exactly how light aluminum is even for a fairly big part. With the fabricated rear panel in hand, I think the “feet” are actually an unnecessary complication, and relying only on the mounting holes would have probably been fine.

In the section view above you can also see that I designed a sheet metal “guard” to fit over the back edge of the keyboard, and fastened to the base. Press fit studs extending from the back of the guard will affix to some bent flanges attached to the dashboard, which provide dashboard rigidity and fixturing it tightly behind the keyboard and wheel controls.

One constraint of SendCutSend’s process limits is that they don’t offer metal finishing on any parts more than 23″ wide (before any bending), and the rear panel would need to be over that limit. While I eventually decided I was OK with the bottom panel being unfinished, I wanted something cleaner looking (and smoother to the touch) for the rear panel. I wound up having Oshcut fabricate this component, as they were able to media blast it for a very reasonable fee. Unfortunately, Oshcut won’t do hardware insertion, which is a shame because their ability to media blast or powder coat large parts is a win over SendCutSend’s more-limited finishing services–although they charge a hefty setup fee for larger-part powder coating.

My initial vision involved both of those larger parts being powder coated to match the front-facing elements, but I eventually decided this wasn’t possible on a reasonable budget. I also looked into quotes from independent local powder coating shops for this, but they all quoted minimum prices of several hundred dollars per part, despite their web sites listing much lower fees. (Admittedly, these indie shops may have set up their web sites sometime during the Obama administration and I don’t think they updated them rigorously.)

In any case, if you’re thinking about designing a bent sheet metal part, you should read through the process limits of each vendor and have one in mind before you start. Building a complex assembly may mean making tradeoffs regarding which services can be applied in combination to each part you design.

How much does metal fabrication cost?


The metal parts were mostly fabricated by SendCutSend, with the exception of the rear panel discussed above. In addition to the rear and bottom panels, I needed:

  • Two mounting flanges for the rack rails and dashboard
  • The backstop flange for aligning the rear panel
  • Some custom mounting flanges for the dashboard
  • The keyboard guard that wrapped the “raw” rear side of the keybed
  • The mounting frame for the left-hand wheel controls, as well as the wheels and their own hardware

After a wait of about two weeks (pretty fast, for custom work!) the parts came back from the fabricators:

The rear panel for the enclosure, with a nice satin finish from media blasting. Several cutouts are visible for mounting panel components, and the edges of the metal panel have been folded in.
The rear panel
The bottom panel, with sides folded up to make an open box shape. There are many holes drilled in the bottom for mounting elements, and some press fit standoffs and nuts are installed.
The bottom panel, which will screw into the front and rear wooden rails as well as the wooden sides of the case

I was actually somewhat concerned that the base would not be rigid enough. The parts were all fabricated from 1.6mm thick 5052 H32 aluminum. The sides were folded up an inch or more, but the overall area was 14×25″ which is a lot of room for the sheet metal to warp. So I also had a half dozen 1″x6″ bars of 1/8″ thick 6061 aluminum cut out with holes at regular intervals, which I finished with an M4 hand tap. I applied five of these ribs at some intervals on the base that I hoped would improve the rigidity and coplanarity of the whole unit:

The same metal base, with a set of stiffening ribs screwed into it. A pair of mounts for a case fan are also visible.
The base with some improved strength

The stiffening ribs did make a decent improvement in the rigidity of the base. Per-part cost goes down fast if you order in multiples, and laser cut metal without bending or finishing is already very reasonable, so this upgrade didn’t add too much to the fab cost for the base. This now felt like a reliable foundation for the instrument. I also hope that once I install the keybed to its own ten mounting holes along the front of the base, that will further tighten up the total system. In the meantime, with the holes for the stiffening ribs now occupied by the screws that affix the ribs to the base, the logic behind the remaining hole pattern starts to look much clearer as well.

As excited as I am to put everything else together, further assembly requires the wooden parts as well. Not trusting my own crude woodworking skills (nor having the tools or space to do the work right) I also sent out for those parts to be CNC cut by a local shop. I’m still waiting on those parts, so assembly is paused for a bit from here. Next time I’ll follow up with the wood assembly — stay tuned…

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